Seminar on “Mahatma Gandhi and the Present World Situation” held at the Indian Embassy (12 October 2012)

A Seminar on “Mahatma Gandhi and the Present World Situation” was organised by Hindustani Samaj, Moscow, and Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow, at D.P. Dhar Hall, Moscow, on October 9, 2012.

The event began with the traditional lighting of the lamp by Ambassador Ajai Malhotra, Prof. Rostislav Rybakov, Prof. Felix Yurlov, Dr. Madan Lal Madhu, Dr. Pranav Pandya, and Mr. Yogendra Nagpal, President, Hindustani Samaj. Welcoming the speakers and guests, Mr. Yogendra Nagpal highlighted the broad points on which each speaker would focus at the Seminar.

Ambassador Malhotra highlighted the importance of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings, focusing in particular on his views on non-violence, satyagraha, religion and service. He pointed out that “The question that arises is not the relevance of the Mahatma, for his legacy and thoughts will undoubtedly endure and continue to inspire future generations. The issue is whether we have in us the courage to do in our lives what he practiced and preached.” He urged, “As we celebrate his birth anniversary, we can best pay homage to the Great Soul by more widely disseminating his message, the noble thoughts, values and ideals that he espoused and by working for the larger causes of all humanity.”  

Prof. Rybakov, former Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, started his speech by posing the question “Do we need Gandhi here and now?” He remarked that in the 20th Century we had people who lived among us but whose ideas were decades ahead of their time.  In Russia these included Tsiolkovsky and Roerich, while in India there were people like Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi. When we watch TV and read the newspapers we come across so many problems crying out for a solution, he noted, while violence permeates many segments of our society. Prof. Rybakov expressed confidence that Gandhi’s teachings could provide answers to all modern questions. Prof. Rybakov stated that we need to bring the Mahatma to Russia by means of convening such seminars, publishing books and promoting him via the internet. He expressed the hope that this seminar would be a turning point in spreading the ideas of the Mahatma across Russia.

Prof. Felix Yurlov of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow,highlighted how true it was that Gandhiji’s life was indeed the message that needed to be studied and understood by others. He provided several examples of how the Mahatma lived his life in a way that reflected his words, “My life is my message”.

Dr. Pranav Pandya, Chancellor of the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, highlighted Gandhiji’s contribution to the world of spirituality. He indicated that the world is now in an explosive situation and that is why we need Gandhi now even more than ever before.

The final speaker, the author and poet Dr. Madan Lal Madhu, approached the issue from a historical perspective, adding that the world today has many problems related to violence and Gandhiji’s view on nonviolence can help change the hearts of people and save the world from tragedies.

After comments from the audience, all those present at the Seminar agreed to put in every effort to promote the spread of information about Mahatma Gandhi across the Russian Federation.

October 12, 2012