India-Russia Cultural Relations

India-Russia Cultural relations are from ages and were developed even before India got independence in 1947. The linkages that started with Afanasy Nikitin reaching India even before Vasco-de-Gama revealed India to the West, Gujarati traders settling in Astrakhan and the establishment of the Russian theatre in Kolkata have all brought peoples of our countries closer. Russian scholars like Gerasim Lebedev and Nicholas Roerich have travelled to India and studied Indian culture and philosophy. Russian literature and thinkers like Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin and others have had a profound influence and contribution to Indian literature and thought. Several generations of Russians have grown up watching Indian films. Yoga in Russia has been growing and becoming increasingly popular since the 1980s, particularly in majors cities and urban centres. The number of Indian tourists to Russia and Russian tourists to India has shown significant increase. The two countries are taking steps to facilitate easier access to each other’s citizens.

Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Moscow, established in 1989, has been mandated with the task of maintaining India’s cultural relations with Russian Federation. It has been working in close coordination with the number of Russian Universities in organising a number of cultural events disseminating Indian Culture in Russian Federation. In addition, it has been equipped with three India-based teachers who are conducting classes in Kathak Dance, Yoga, Tabla and Hindustani Vocal Music. Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi, has signed a Protocol on the Organization of Culture Festivals with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, wherein cultural troupes of both the countries visit India and Russia alternate years. In 2023, five groups from India, - Warrior Women of India, a multi style dance production led by Pratibha Prahlad, Bharatnatyam dance group led by Tanya Saxena, Odissi Dance group led by Aniruddh Das, and Rajatshani Folk Dance group led by Suraj lal Kanjar visited many regions of the Russian Federation. The said Protocol is renewed regularly.

In addition, there are Indian Russian Working Groups and Cultural Exchange Programme which also caters to the cultural and tourism needs of both the countries. Besides, there are four scholarship schemes for the nationals of Russian Federation to give them a chance to study in India to pursue higher education, in humanities, science, ayurveda, dance and music. Festivals of India take place in intervals to give exposure of Indian culture to Russian citizens. ‘Days of Indian Culture’ are organised in regions of Russian Federation to disseminate Indian Culture and master classes in dance and music are conducted by India-based teachers. Similarly, there are number of Indian study Centre where Indian languages and Indian subjects are taught.The Embassy of India Moscow celebrated the 10th International Day of Yoga with participation of 20,000 participants in total with 5000 participants in the main yoga day held in “Kolmonskyoe” Museum-Reserve Park on June 23, 2024. Nearly, 10,000 participated in the IDY events in various regions of Russia, 4000 participants in the 15 (fifteen) Yoga in park pre cursor and post main day events and 1000 participants in the yoga sessions in universities in Moscow.